Chris Taylor

The ‘official’ histories of Australian and British intelligence: Lessons learned and next steps

Unclassified, official histories of ‘secret’ intelligence organisations, for public readership, seem a contradiction in terms. These ‘official’ works are commissioned by the agencies in question and directly informed by those agencies’ own records, thus distinguishing them from other, outsider historical accounts. But while such official intelligence histories are relatively new, sometimes controversial, and often challenging for historians and agencies alike, the experiences of the Australian and British intelligence communities suggest they’re a promising development for scholarship, maintaining public trust and informed public discourse, and more effective functioning of national security agencies. Furthermore, these histories remain an ongoing project for Australia’s National Intelligence Community (NIC).

A national strategic warning intelligence capability for Australia

Australia’s strategic warning time has collapsed—in response to profound geopolitical shifts. As the ADF is adapting to the hard implications of this change, so must the national intelligence community (NIC).

Australian Government decision-makers need time and insight to identify and prioritise threats (and opportunities) and devise effective responses. Strategic warning intelligence enables and empowers them to do so. But it must be done in a way that keeps up with the rapid pace of geopolitical and technological change, and a widening array of non-traditional strategic threats, and in a fashion best suited to Australia’s circumstances.

To meet this need the NIC should develop a discrete, institutional strategic warning intelligence function—an Australian Centre for Strategic Warning (ACSW). This would recognise the distinct skills, analytical focus and interface with decision-making entailed—and the vital national interests at stake. In implementing an ACSW, much can be learned from our own and other intelligence communities’ ongoing efforts to adapt to threats other than invasion—notably terrorism and pandemics. This will be especially pertinent in its application to grey-zone threats such as economic coercion.

Done right, an ACSW would be an important addition to the suite of Australia’s statecraft tools.

Stop the World: The future of intelligence

This week on Stop the World, it’s all about intelligence. Chris Taylor, head of ASPI’s Statecraft and Intelligence Program interviews David Gioe, Professor of Intelligence and Security at King’s College London and Associate Professor of History at the US Military Academy at West Point. 

They discuss the history of intelligence, with a focus on the Cold War, and explore how it has evolved over time. Chris asks David about the impact of technology on intelligence collection and analysis, and they consider the changing nature of intelligence and new techniques, as well as the ongoing importance of human intelligence.

Mentioned in this episode:
ASPI report: Australia’s 2024 Independent Intelligence Review: opportunities and challenges

Chris Taylor
David Gioe

Australia’s 2024 Independent Intelligence Review: Opportunities and challenges: Views from The Strategist

Australia has a recent history of intelligence community reform via independent intelligence reviews (IIRs) commissioned by government on a regular basis since 2004. The latest IIR is being undertaken by Dr Heather Smith and Mr Richard Maude.

In the lead-up to the announcement of the 2024 IIR, and afterwards, ASPI’s The Strategist has served as a valuable forum for canvassing publicly the most significant issues and challenges to be addressed by the reviewers.

This report draws together a selection of articles featured in The Strategist over the past year, with direct relevance to the review and its terms of reference. The articles cover topics from the broad to the specific but include:

  • the review itself, including its scope and purpose
  • the key capability challenge facing Australian intelligence—its future workforce
  • the ‘how’ of intelligence now and into the future; more particularly, new tools such as intelligence diplomacy and offensive cyber operations
  • the purposes for intelligence – from addressing global, existential risks to informing effective net assessment of Australia’s strategic circumstances.

In the lead-up to the expected public release of the IIR’s findings later this year, this compilation provides valuable background to the review and to the fundamental challenges and opportunities facing Australian intelligence in the decade ahead.

Intelligence diplomacy an underrated tool of statecraft

You didn’t read about it in the Australian media but back in August the Director-General of the Office of National Intelligence (ONI) Andrew Shearer and Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) Director-General Kerri Hartland met Timor Leste Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao in Dili.

According to the Timor-Leste Government they discussed “various security-related matters, covering national and regional issues”. Furthermore, the “Prime Minister highlighted the importance of maintaining close collaboration with Australia to address common challenges in regional security and expressed his gratitude for Australian support in strengthening security and intelligence institutional capacity”.

Shearer and Hartland then accompanied a parliamentary joint standing committee on intelligence and security delegation to meet with the New Zealand government, including the Defence Minister and the Opposition Leader.

Two weeks later Shearer was in Vietnam, where he met with Public Security Minister and Politburo member To Lam, as well as Ministry of Foreign Affairs Vice Minister Do Hung Viet.

This is intelligence diplomacy in action – using intelligence actors and relationships to conduct, or substantially facilitate, diplomatic relations. Indeed, intelligence diplomacy is a potent tool for statecraft; useful in specific circumstances to either enhance conventional diplomacy or create subtler lines of communication.

Intelligence diplomacy is growing in importance as we move into a period of greater strategic complexity and with the variety of communication channels increasing.

As ASPI’s statecraft and intelligence centre outlines in its latest report, intelligence diplomacy is a valuable but little appreciated or understood component of the intelligence community’s work.

Equally, governments need to understand the limitations of intelligence diplomacy and that, with this increasing utility, comes potential hazards. Agencies themselves, meanwhile, need to make the necessary investments to ensure they can carry out this important work when they are called upon to do so.

In recent years Australia’s intelligence chiefs have spoken in general terms of intelligence diplomacy’s strategic value. Interviewed in 2020, then ASIS director-general Paul Symon described “a role for intelligence diplomacy”, adding that sometimes “messages are better delivered by intelligence chiefs rather than diplomats”.

Australia is not unique in pursuing intelligence diplomacy. In July 2023 CIA Director Bill Burns confirmed he had “sought to quietly strengthen intelligence channels with China, including through my own travels”. And Burns’ efforts have not been confined to the Indo-Pacific. In November 2022 he met his Russian counterpart, SVR Director Sergei Naryshkin, to warn of possible consequences of the use of nuclear weapons in the Ukraine war.

This followed Burns’ unsuccessful attempt a year earlier to dissuade a Russian invasion of Ukraine, including in discussion joined by President Vladimir Putin. Burns has since acknowledged his broader role in engaging with undesirable interlocutors – including the Taliban – on behalf of the Biden administration.

Governments turn to intelligence diplomacy when the nature of the interlocutor, the relationship, the issue or the international political context means that intelligence officers or relationships are particularly advantageous. In such moments, governments might assess that intelligence capabilities are effectiveness can help.

The often (but as we have seen, not always) secretive nature of intelligence diplomacy makes assessing its value in the conduct of statecraft challenging – but in an Australian context we can see clear hits and misses. Nick Warner’s visit to Honiara in 2017, as ASIS Director-General, preceded Honiara’s decision to sign on to joint development with Australia of an underwater telecommunications cable, in lieu of a previously agreed Chinese proposal.

Conversely, a joint visit to the same capital in April 2022 by Symon and Shearer did not stop the signing of a security agreement with Beijing. More positively, Warner’s engagement with the Iranian Government, as ONI Director-General, helped secure release of Australian prisoner Kylie Moore-Gilbert.

Intelligence diplomacy is an important complement to more typical diplomacy and to broader intelligence work, but it is not a substitute. Use of intelligence actors and relationships can extend diplomatic engagement’s reach into circumstances which might otherwise be impossible. Although, the Solomons undersea cable case demonstrates just how much an outcome can hinge on deployment of a broad range of tools – including policy initiatives and resources.

Nonetheless, intelligence diplomacy is subject to the same limitations applying to other “back channels”. Early breakthroughs risk becoming substitutes for real, substantive negotiations, and secret agreements, no matter how successful, must typically take some overt form to be implemented.

Governments should use intelligence diplomacy selectively and purposefully, in concert and collaboration with other arms of policy, and with robust, agreed policy objectives and parameters. As the CIA Director described his engagement with the Chinese: “An important means of ensuring against unnecessary misunderstandings and inadvertent collisions, and complementing and supporting policymaking channels, such as Secretary [of State] Blinken’s recent visit to Beijing.”

Additionally, governments should be conscious of not falling into use of intelligence diplomacy by habit or for reasons of self-interest (either on their part or their agencies). They should also be wary of over-use, for the effective utility of intelligence diplomacy depends in part on prudent and selective application.

For intelligence agencies themselves there is value in appreciating that intelligence diplomacy is an important part of the contribution they can make to national outcomes. As such they should make appropriate investments in related enabling capabilities, including lessons learned, formal training for relevant staff, and exercising.

For politicians, policymakers and the interested public, understanding the important role intelligence diplomacy can play in international relations provides a fuller sense of what it is that intelligence agencies actually do in their name.

Judiciously used, appropriately resourced, and sensibly balanced with other channels, intelligence diplomacy can be a vital tool for achieving Australia’s strategic interests in the world.

‘Doing good deeds quietly’: The rise of intelligence diplomacy as a potent tool of statecraft

‘Intelligence diplomacy’ – using intelligence actors and relationships to conduct, or substantially facilitate, diplomatic relations – is a potent tool for statecraft; useful in specific circumstances to either enhance conventional diplomacy or create subtler lines of communication. Intelligence diplomacy, its increasing utility and potential hazards, is the subject of Doing good deeds quietly, the latest report from ASPI’s Statecraft & Intelligence Centre.

The report finds that governments turn to intelligence diplomacy when a variety of circumstances – and critically those governments’ assessments of related capabilities and effectiveness of their intelligence services – makes use of intelligence actors or relationships attractive and advantageous.

Furthermore, Doing good deeds quietly finds that governments should use intelligence diplomacy selectively and purposefully, in concert and collaboration with other arms of policy, and with robust, agreed policy objectives and parameters. They should also be wary of over-use, for the effective utility of intelligence diplomacy depends in part on prudent and selective application.

For politicians, policymakers and the interested public, understanding the important role intelligence diplomacy can play in international relations provides a fuller sense of what it is that intelligence agencies actually do in their name.

An inflection point for Australian intelligence: Revisiting the 2004 Flood Report

The 2003 Iraq war, and more particularly intelligence failure in relation to Iraqi WMD, led to a broad-ranging inquiry into Australian intelligence conducted by Philip Flood AO. Flood’s July 2004 report has proven an inflection point between the Australian Intelligence Community (AIC) of the immediate post–Cold War period and today’s National Intelligence Community (NIC).

Flood laid out an ambitious vision for Australian intelligence and forcefully advocated for sovereign intelligence capability. The scope of his review extended beyond more than ‘recent intelligence lessons’ – that is, Iraq’s WMD, the 2002 Bali bombings and the unrest that led to 2003’s Regional Assistance Mission Solomon Islands – to the effectiveness of oversight and accountability within the AIC (including priority setting), ‘division of labour’ between AIC agencies and their communications with each other, maintenance of contestability in intelligence assessments, and adequacy of resourcing (especially for the Office of National Assessments – ONA).

It was in addressing these matters that Flood laid the foundation for the future NIC, upon which would be constructed the reforms instituted by the L’Estrange-Merchant review of 2017.

Importantly, Flood’s recommendations significantly enhanced ONA’s capabilities—not just analytical resources but also the resources (and tasking) needed to address the more effective coordination and evaluation of foreign intelligence across the AIC. This was a critical step towards the more structured and institutionalised (if sometimes bureaucratic) NIC of 2023 and an enhanced community leadership role for, ultimately, ONI.

In addition, the Flood Report identified issues that remain pertinent and challenging today – including the vexed issue of the public presentation of intelligence for policy purposes, the central importance of the intelligence community’s people (including training, career management, recruitment and language proficiency), intelligence distribution (including avoiding overloading time-poor customers), the need to maximise collaborative opportunities between agencies, and how best to leverage intelligence relationships (including broadening relations beyond traditional allied partners).

Informing Australia’s next independent intelligence review: Learning from the past

The Australian Government commissions a review of its intelligence community every five to seven years. With July 2023 marking six years since release of the last review’s report and, with funding already allocated in this year’s federal budget, the next one is likely to commence shortly.

The best starting place for the forthcoming review is the work that precedes it, so reflection on 2017’s Independent Intelligence Review proves valuable. This report, Informing Australia’s next independent intelligence review, reflects on the experiences of the 2017 review and the implementation of its recommendations, and draws lessons to inform the terms of reference, approach and suggested focus of the next review.

In doing so the report identifies three broad topics upon which the next review can most profitably ground its work: attracting, building and retaining a skilled workforce; adapting to rapid and profound technological change; and leveraging more, and closer, partnerships. It also highlights how the past six years have raised important and challenging questions in relation to each of those broad topics and identifies opportunities to further advance the future performance of the National Intelligence Community. In addition, specific recommendations are made to inform government’s planning and preparation for the new review.

Collaborative and agile. Intelligence community collaboration insights from the United Kingdom and the United States

The central aim of this report is to generate insights from the US and UK intelligence communities’ collaboration efforts. It identifies insights so that members of Australia’s national intelligence community, including the ONI, can use them to enhance the community’s collaboration and agility for the purpose of giving Australian decision-makers an insight edge over others. We acknowledge that agencies must contextualise those insights to Australia’s specific circumstances, and we’ve sought to do some of that in this report. The report isn’t intended as an academic think piece but as a guide-and goad-to actions that can advance and protect Australia’s wellbeing, prosperity and security.

This report doesn’t seek to second-guess the internal insights that it explores. Instead, it takes an external perspective, informed by experience in relevant agencies and by perspectives from intelligence-community partners and analysts in the UK and the US.