Policy, Guns and Money: Genomic surveillance, CCP influence and Thailand

In this episode, ASPI’s Kelsey Munro speaks to James Leibold and Emile Dirks, authors of Genomic surveillance: inside China’s DNA dragnet, about China’s national campaign of compulsory DNA collection. They discuss how multinational and major Chinese companies are helping the Chinese state security apparatus build this database.

Next, ASPI Executive Director Peter Jennings speaks to Clive Hamilton about his new book, Hidden hand: exposing how the Chinese Communist Party is reshaping the world. Written with Mareike Olhberg, the book discusses the covert techniques used by the CCP to conduct influence and interference operations in universities, businesses, think tanks and the diplomatic service.

And ASPI’s Huong Le Thu talks to Chulalongkorn University professor Thitinan Pongsudhirak about his report, Thailand’s strategic drift: domestic determinants amidst superpower competition. They discuss authoritarianism, military coups, the new king and how Thailand’s domestic preoccupations are preventing it from having a more constructive global role.