Mapping China’s data harvesting and global propaganda efforts

ASPI has released a groundbreaking report that finds the Chinese Communist Party seeks to harvest user data from globally popular Chinese apps, games and online platforms in a likely effort to improve its global propaganda.

The research maps the CCP’s propaganda system, highlighting the links between the Central Propaganda Department, state-owned or controlled propaganda entities and data-collection activities, and technology investments in Chinese companies.

In this special short episode of Stop the World, David Wroe speaks with ASPI analyst Daria Impiombato about the key takeaways from this major piece of research.

Mentioned in this episode:
Truth and reality with Chinese characteristics

David Wroe
Daria Impiombato

Stop the World: The future of intelligence

This week on Stop the World, it’s all about intelligence. Chris Taylor, head of ASPI’s Statecraft and Intelligence Program interviews David Gioe, Professor of Intelligence and Security at King’s College London and Associate Professor of History at the US Military Academy at West Point. 

They discuss the history of intelligence, with a focus on the Cold War, and explore how it has evolved over time. Chris asks David about the impact of technology on intelligence collection and analysis, and they consider the changing nature of intelligence and new techniques, as well as the ongoing importance of human intelligence.

Mentioned in this episode:
ASPI report: Australia’s 2024 Independent Intelligence Review: opportunities and challenges

Chris Taylor
David Gioe

Stop the World: Unpacking Australia’s new defence strategy

This week on Stop the World, Senior ASPI Analyst Euan Graham is joined by retired Major General Andrew Bottrell AO, who was previously Head of Land Systems at Defence, alongside ASPI’s Director of Defence Strategy & National Security Bec Shrimpton to discuss the newly released National Defence Strategy and Integrated Investment Program.

What is a National Defence Strategy and an Integrated Investment Program and why do we need them? Euan, Andrew and Bec explain the rationale behind the NDS and IIP and share their immediate responses to the two documents – what impressed them and where they see the risks and challenges as the Government looks to implement them.

Mentioned in this episode:
ASPI report: Regional security and Pacific partnerships: Recuriting Pacific Islanders into the Australian Defence Force
National Defence Strategy
Integrated Investment Program

Euan Graham
Major General (Ret’d) Andrew Bottrell AO
Bec Shrimpton

Stop the World: Human rights in 2024

Stop the World, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s new podcast is finally here!

Everything seems to be accelerating: geopolitics, technology, security threats, the dispersal of information. At times, it feels like a blur. But beneath the dizzying proliferation of events, discoveries, rivalries and unravellings taking place around the world, there are deeper trends that can be grasped and understood through conversation and debate. 

That’s the idea behind Stop the World, ASPI’s new podcast on international affairs and security. Each week, we will cast a freeze-frame around the blur of events and bring some clarity and insight on defence, technology, cyber, geopolitics and foreign policy. We will bring you the best minds and voices—Australian and international guests as well as our own experts—to talk about everything from rising authoritarianism to climate change, from armed conflict to disinformation.

In our first episode, ASPI’s Executive Director Justin Bassi is joined by Elaine Pearson, Asia Director of Human Rights Watch, and Daniela Gavshon, Australia Director of Human Rights Watch.

They discuss the big issues to watch in 2024, the challenges human rights researchers face today, and the difficulty of keeping public attention on human rights issues as multiple crises unfold around the world. They also explore the practice of arbitrary detention, including the case of Australian writer and academic Dr Yang Hengjun, and how governments can respond.

Justin Bassi
Elaine Pearson
Daniela Gavshon