Tag Archive for: Women, Peace and Security

Australia’s implementation of women, peace and security: Promoting regional security

Australia’s implementation of women, peace and security examines the benefits of Australia strengthening its implementation of the women, peace and security agenda to bolster its regional stability and national security efforts.

Since its formal establishment by the UN Security Council in October 2000, the women, peace and security agenda has become the central framework through which to advocate for women’s participation across all peace and security decision-making processes, to promote the rights of women and girls in conflict and crisis settings, and for the integration of gender perspectives into conflict prevention, resolution and post-conflict rebuilding efforts and throughout disaster and crisis responses. The agenda, when implemented holistically, can also complement states’ national security efforts and strategies aimed at promoting regional stability. 

The report highlights that while Australia has a positive story to tell particularly about its mainstreaming of the agenda across the Australian Defence Force, within international operations of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and in its aid program. There are, however, significant inconsistencies and resourcing gaps in how Australia approaches the implementation of its commitments on the women, peace and security agenda.

Women, peace and security: Defending progress and responding to emerging challenges

This is the third year ASPI has run a series on The Strategist to coincide with International Women’s Day and examine Australia’s approach to women, peace and security (WPS).

The series offered a timely opportunity to assess progress and identify some of the challenges that need further examination as the international community prepares to mark twenty years since the adoption of the first UN Security Council resolution on women, peace and security, and as Australia approaches the release of its second National Action Plan on WPS.

The range of topics and themes canvassed in this year’s collection of articles reminds us that we cannot afford to be complacent. There have been significant challenges to the agenda in high-level multilateral fora over the past year, which risk reversing some of the normative and practical gains that have been made in recent decades. Considering this, several of the contributors note that it is important we not only respond to emerging challenges but also revitalise the agenda moving forward. This Strategic Insights paper subsequently offers insights and recommendations for the Australian government, private sector, civil society and other interested stakeholders to address some of the emerging challenges in women, peace and security.

Last years report is available here: Women, peace and security: Addressing the gaps and strengthening implementation.

Women, peace and security: Addressing the gaps and strengthening implementation

This is the second year that ASPI has run a series on The Strategist to coincide with International Women’s Day examining Australia’s approach to women, peace and security (WPS). This Strategic Insights paper compiles the articles in that series across four themes: Defence’s approach to WPS, the role of parliament and civil society, lessons from abroad, and evolving approaches to WPS. Drawing on the analyses of contributors from a variety of backgrounds including government, politics, defence, academia, and civil society, the series demonstrates that issues related to women’s participation and leadership, and the inclusion of different gender perspectives, are integral to Australia’s national security.

As ASPI’s Lisa Sharland and Jacqueline Westermann write in the introduction to the paper,  WPS is ‘an important topic that’s frequently overlooked at the expense of what are often deemed ‘more pressing’ security issues by the media and security commentators’. With the Australian Government tasked to draw up a new National Action Plan on WPS in 2019, the paper provides important reflections on the progress that has been made, the remaining gaps and how Australia’s implementation on WPS could be strengthened.

Tag Archive for: Women, Peace and Security

US and Australian Women and Space Event with AWDC

Tag Archive for: Women, Peace and Security

Stop the World: Multilateralism, UN reform and the WDSN with Lisa Sharland

In the latest episode of Stop the World, Olivia Nelson sits down with Lisa Sharland, Senior Fellow and Director of the Protecting Civilians and Human Security program at the Stimson Centre. The conversation, which was recorded in July, discusses the United Nations (UN) and how the multilateral system is adapting – or struggling to adapt – to rapid global change. They also discuss the UN’s Summit of the Future which aims to find international consensus on pressing global issues.

The conversation also covers peacekeeping and Australia’s role in it, the challenges that women face in multilateral settings, and how gender equality and women’s security relates to broader national and international security. Finally, as ASPI celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Women in Defence and Security Network (WDSN), Lisa and Olivia explore the evolving presence and contribution of women in Australia’s national security landscape.

Olivia Nelson
⁠⁠Lisa Sharland⁠

Mentioned in this episode: