Tag Archive for: Royal Australian Air Force

Taking wing: time to decide on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

The government is about to make a decision on whether to spend between $8 and 10 billion of taxpayer’s money on the new F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. It’s also an important call because it will cement the F-35 as the main instrument of Australian air-power for decades into the future.

The F-35 has a troubled past—management issues and the enormous complexity of the project have caused significant cost and schedule overruns. But now it seems to be on track to come into service with the RAAF in 2020, and to be a very capable aircraft.

The other option is a further purchase of less-advanced Super Hornets, which would come with a marginally lower price tag. But that choice would come at a cost to Canberra’s relationship with Washington as we pulled out of the US-run program, and provide less capability in a region replete with rapid military modernisation.

A Big Deal: Australia’s future air combat capability

This paper prepared by Aldo Borgu is a detailed assessment of the Australian Government’s decision to effectively purchase the US F-35 Joint Strike Fighter to replace its existing fleets of F/A-18 and F-111 aircraft.

It assesses whether the JSF might achieve the government’s air combat requirements against a number of factors.