The tacit consensus for the White Paper
The electric storm that rages around the Defence White Paper has big elements of ritual politics and tacit consensus, despite the intense arguments over plans, priorities and projections.
This is standard Oz politics played as a contact sport. As Churchill observed to Menzies: ‘My goodness, you Australians do seem to play your politics with a fine 18th Century flair’. The senior President George Bush made the same comment on the vigour of our pollies when he arrived in Canberra to visit his mate, Bob Hawke, only to be greeted by the new leader, Paul Keating, still wiping the blood from his toga.
The stakes are high and they play for keeps, but not all the noise is genuine. The White Paper has generated a tempest of tough tackles and verbal roundarms among the political class, but not too far beneath the uproar resides a broad measure of tacit agreement. Read more