Tag Archive for: defence science

An office of national research: a new instrument of national power

Australia needs an office of national research, to make the greatest use of our intellectual resources in building our defences, strengthening our economy and supporting our society.

The 2024 National Defence Strategy urgently calls upon us to use all arms of national power to defend Australia and advance our interests. But Australia has overlooked the national intellect.

By national intellect, we mean the knowledge, skills and rational facilities of the nation to inspire our collective imagination, inquiry and invention. The purpose of an office of national research would be to foster and focus public and private research, including from overseas, towards our national priorities.

This new office cannot be expected to solve all problems, however. But as a nation with limited resources relative to our risks and responsibilities, indeed to our remoteness, we need a central body to focus on finding ways to maximise the uses of our resources in national defence and to respond to our other national priorities. We need that body to draw upon the intellectual capabilities of the nation, to draw in expertise wherever found, to grow that ‘stock of useful knowledge’ as Wolfgang Kasper described it.

This office is necessary because no part of the Australian government has oversight and responsibility for ensuring national research resources are directed towards defending the nation and responding to national challenges.

According to the Australian Academy of Science, the 2024–25 Federal Budget contains about $14.93 billion in expenditure of all types for science and research this financial year. The expenditure in the defence portfolio is about $0.7 billion on science and research. As the Academy of Science points out, that $14 billion is spread across 227 science and research programs and 15 federal portfolios, under the responsibility of multiple ministers and departments. Because funded programs are tied to portfolios, they are not necessarily tied to national defence priorities.

The Albanese government recently announced the Australian Research Council’s National Science and Research Priorities for the next decade. The list contained five priorities, yet national defence is not one of them. This is in contrast with the Defence Department’s Integrated Investment Program, which declared that ‘delivering on National Defence includes ensuring that Australia’s research and innovation sector supports the most pressing defence and security priorities to accelerate the delivery of next-generation capabilities’ to the defence forces.

Initially, such a body should gather, catalogue and review all research already conducted or being conducted, to make it accessible to government and researchers. After that, it should focus on research against a unified list of national priorities. For example, two early projects could be:

—Assessment of national advantages, constraints, vulnerabilities, and risks; and

—Developing whole-of-nation preparedness plans against identified threats and contingencies to protect the nation, maintain the economy and normal life and substitute for critical defence capabilities.

There is a need to restore national defence as a motivating theme in Australia’s national life. Although there is an enduring affection for the ordinary soldier, there is an otherness towards our defence institutions. New polls suggest that fewer young Australians are willing to fight if Australia faced a war like in Ukraine. Far more are instead prepared to flee the country. In both cases, these poll numbers have risen since 2022.

The National Defence Strategy has apparently done nothing to strengthen our commitment to defend ourselves.

Our proposed office should not be thought of only as a defence endeavour. We imagine this as a big idea for the nation. The coordination and concentration of the intellectual resources of the nation on our national priorities offers the best means of achieving our objectives.

Core functions for an office of national research would be advising the government on research priorities, implementing the research strategy approved by cabinet, and undertaking a governance role to broaden knowledge and maximise its practical application to national priorities.

Operational functions would include:

—Facilitating and managing research requests from across the government;

—Acting as an in-house research service for the government;

—Acting as a national research agent across Australia;

—Acting as a two-way agent to obtain research held in allied countries and to handle their requests for our research;

—Providing means of obtaining and handling classified, sensitive, export-controlled research;

—Cataloguing existing and developing new research methodologies and sharing information about them to accelerate research, foster innovation and ensure rigour;

—Ensuring the integrity, objectivity, rigour and sharing of research information; and

—Fostering the tradition of research and fellowship of researchers, within and especially outside of universities, so that there is a large pool of suitably educated and experienced independent-thinking researchers to meet national needs.

The national intellect is an element of national power, based on diverse and independent thinking that is driven by curiosity and the competition of liberal democracy. It must be wielded like other instruments of national power.

Chief defence scientist: working with combat personnel is key

Australia’s new chief defence scientist says she has taken on the role at a time when the Australian Defence Force is becoming increasingly receptive to game-changing capabilities.

‘That, to me, is really critical’, Professor Tanya Monro says.

A physicist, Monro was working in Britain 15 years ago when she was asked by what is now Defence Science and Technology (DST) to return to Australia to set up a photonics research facility in Adelaide. Photonics is the science of light—how it can be generated, detected and made use of—and it’s a key research area for Defence in the development of sensors, lasers and new optical materials.

Now she is in charge of DST, having taken over from Alex Zelinsky, who has become vice-chancellor of Newcastle University.

Monro will oversee the investment in key projects of the $730 million Next Generation Technologies Fund. ‘The whole intent of Next Gen is to put the focus on things that will disrupt and support and create capability edge for the ADF. That includes identifying things that adversaries would potentially put into the mix that could disrupt our current approach to safeguarding Australia’, she says.

So are there more ideas out there as good as the Australian-designed CEAFAR phased-array radar and the Nulka ship defence system?

‘I absolutely think there are, but we can’t do all of them. We’ve got to have the conversation to decide on the really big things we can do on a national scale. Ideally they’ll be in areas where we’ve already got an edge’, Monro says.

One such area is in space technologies, in using and harnessing small satellites and constellations of small satellites. Others are in quantum computing and hypersonics. ‘It’s everything from new materials that will change how we protect our serving personnel, right through to new ways of integrating information that comes from multiple elements of a conflict in a way that can allow you to make better decisions.’

Autonomy is a big area of focus for DST, along with machine learning and artificial intelligence.

‘There’s no question we’re moving into a world where data is becoming more complex, rich and ubiquitous. And where understanding, processing and turning data into information to support decision-making is becoming more and more critical. This is absolutely key for us. One thing that strikes me in this place is you lift the lid and you look, and just the range and number of things being worked on is mind-blowing. And in most of those, we’re closely partnered with the ADF’, Monro says.

‘The game is to try to think big and work on some of these really challenging longer-term areas because there’s no point having the best solution to today’s problems if something new comes and knocks that over.’

No other such institution is so deeply enmeshed with its partners than DST is with the ADF’s combat personnel, Monro says. ‘That means our people, whether they’re an early career researcher coming straight from the university system or someone who’s been here for decades, get that intimate understanding of the problems the fighters face.

‘The Next Gen program will allow DST and the ADF to harness the amazing capacity in the Australian research system across the 40-odd universities and other publicly funded agencies and see where we can align and shape the direction of some of the work that’s happening out there.

‘Together we can have bigger teams of really strong researchers tackling a smaller number of bigger problems. It’s more in the concept of expanding some national missions that are inspiring, exciting’, she says.

That will shape what’s happening not only within DST but more broadly across the universities and other institutions to build Australia’s future capability and mould some of the industry development that’s got to happen for the nation’s economic growth.

DST can’t do that by itself, Monro says, because it’s an organisation of just over 2,000 people and by itself it couldn’t provide the scale of effort and investment needed to develop some of these really big ideas.

‘You then need to have the mechanisms, the funding support to bring the best people together’, she says. ‘We’ve started to do that, and we’ll continue to develop that.’

The next step, she says, is to create an environment in which broad priority areas are narrowed down into specific big challenges, missions or questions that begin to shape what people do.

‘DST has a special role in that because we’re so meshed with the ADF we have an understanding of what might be some of the threats into the future, what we should worry about, not just today but in 10 years-plus’, says Munro.

‘And then we can help shape that conversation and narrow down to the problems we want to work on. Sometimes I think in Australia we lack that willingness to make a call, set priorities and tie them to funding.’

Monro says the goal is to harness the nation’s intellectual capital. ‘If you bring together the best people in the nation in a field, and you resource that conversation, you can create a roadmap for ideas on what might be possible.’

Are we preparing to fight the wrong war?

Are we preparing to fight the wrong war? That’s the question being asked increasingly frequently by Australian defence planners, especially in the RAAF. What makes some people nervous are a number of emerging disruptive technologies that will have a profound effect on military operations in the very near future.

These include, but aren’t limited to: artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning; micro uninhabited aerial systems (UAS); quantum computing; hypersonics; micro ‘cube’ satellites and matching launch technologies; uninhabited underwater systems; the vastly increasing power of conventional explosives utilising nanotechnology; and information operations and cyber warfare.

In fact it’s not the maturing of any single one of these technologies that’s causing such concern, but rather that all of them—and more—are being developed in parallel at an extraordinary rate. That gives rise to a myriad of possible combinations that risk turning all of the tens of billions of dollars’ worth of platforms the ADF is acquiring into so much obsolete junk.

The consequences of artificial intelligence—and its even spookier subset of machine learning—will have a profound influence on military operations, but we don’t yet fully understand what they’ll be. In 2015 a computer was able to defeat a professional player of the board game Go—an achievement previously considered by many experts to be impossible because of the inherent complexity of the game with the two opponents having either 180 or 181 pieces each.

Similarly, a chess-playing program called Alpha Zero not only beats all human opponents, but has developed strategies from scratch after just a few hours of learning that are unlike anything seen before because it taught itself to play from first principles. Henry Kissinger, writing in The Atlantic, concludes that these sorts of developments in AI mark the end of the Age of Enlightenment.

At the RAAF’s signature air power conference held in Canberra eight weeks ago, a number of alarming scenarios were discussed. One that illustrates the problem facing planners is the use of swarming micro UAS that could see hundreds—or thousands, or even tens of thousands—of these being used in saturation attacks even against the most well-defended targets. They already have the capability to fly autonomously in a GPS-denied environment to find and destroy objects with small explosive payloads. And they can be purchased in massive numbers even with a small budget.

The development of micro-UAS is surging ahead for recreation, entertainment and parcel delivery services. According to former Marine and now military theorist Dr Thomas X. Hammes, the parcel delivery company UPS in the US is planning to open a factory producing up to 100,000 of those devices per day, with each able to carry a five-kilogram payload. That’s not a misprint: there are already a myriad of quadcopter devices around—but those numbers will be absolutely dwarfed in the coming years, and the devices’ range and power will increase.

They’re in widespread use by the world’s militaries for surveillance tasks, and now they’re being weaponised. Even the remnants of Islamic State in the desolate desert regions of Iraq and Syria have their own tiny air force in the form of remote-controlled quadcopters carrying hand grenades and explosives.

The US has recognised the importance of AI and has set up a crash program called Project MAVEN, designed to interpret vast amounts of surveillance data that’s already beyond the ability of humans to deal with. The volume of information pouring in from satellites, aircraft and uninhabited systems is growing exponentially. To give the project its full name, the Algorithmic Warfare Cross Functional Team is using software originally developed by Google to boost its global surveillance capabilities massively.

Another example of an autonomous system that already has the potential to make manned aircraft such as the F‑35 and Super Hornet obsolete is the X‑47B, developed by Northrop Grumman. This is a fighter-size platform designed for carrier operations that has already demonstrated the ability to take off, land and perform combat missions without any human intervention whatsoever.

Experienced fighter pilots say that their worst nightmare would be to come up against an X‑47B—which can easily outmanoeuvre a conventional aircraft—equipped with internally carried advanced missiles and programmed to destroy anything that came into its ‘kill box’. According to Dr Hammes, the X‑47B development has stalled only because the US Navy’s ‘pilots’ union’ doesn’t want it to go ahead.

Just as the massive investment in battleships around the world was rendered obsolete overnight by the aircraft carrier attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, some Australian planners can also foresee the possibility that emerging disruptive technologies could leave the ADF extraordinarily vulnerable. There’s no room for complacency. Those who think the next big war will be like the last one are in for a shock.

A capability conflux: on military space, cyber & autonomous modernisation

This is the ninth in our series ‘Australia in Space’ leading up to ASPI’s Building Australia’s Strategy for Space conference in June.

The most important skill, which underlies all creativity and all scientific discovery, is the ability to find links between ideas that are seemingly unconnected. — Theodore Zeldin

While at first glance space technology, cybersecurity, and robotics and autonomous systems (RAS) may seem to be focused, individual disciplines, they’re in fact inextricably linked and interdependent. This tapestry of systems is sewn together with a shared technological thread. The common thread is a network or, in communications engineering terms, the channel.

Each discipline is at a different stage of maturity and all feature growth trajectories with a myriad of latent technical pathways whose limits are bounded only by physics, imagination and the paradigm’s nature. The paradigm in this case is in relation to the future autonomous modernisation of the Australian Army, which was raised at recent public forums.

When it comes to acquiring smart military drones and robots in an era  of machine-learning–enabled hacking and ‘Turing-like’ quantum code-breaking risks, proceeding carefully to avoid pernicious outcomes is warranted.

Much has been said about the fourth industrial revolution and artificial intelligence–fuelled hyperwar, but the magnitude of the capability implications is only just being recognised. Therefore the temptation for an organisation with finite resources to generate mass with machines is compelling. The foundations already exist given that unmanned aerial systems are already in service and, usefully, a cyber squadron is being established.

Moreover, in its 2016 Defence White Paper, the Australian government recognised the continuing expansion of space-based and space-enabled capabilities over the next 20 years, so space surveillance projects are in the acquisition pipeline to strengthen Defence’s awareness of space. To that end, Australian Defence sovereign space capabilities are being progressively enhanced through access to allied and commercial space-based capabilities.

However, the following scenario illustrates why space, cyber and RAS should ideally feature as an integrated strategy in the context of a militarised autonomous future:

Troops emerge from a landing craft accompanied by humanoid robot avatars. These avatars are unarmed, but carry ballistic shields, mine detectors and first aid equipment. Soldiers in Australia employ ‘telexistence’ to digitally port themselves into the robot avatars (T-RAV). This enables connected soldiers in Australia to interact with human soldiers in the landing craft via their T-RAVs’ real-time audio-visual and haptic sensor data relay. The avatars are controlled via small satellite (smallsat) links from Australia. These strategic links are protected by machine intelligence cyber software, quantum computer processing and digital hologram keys to mitigate hacking threats.

T-RAVs conduct high-risk support tasks, such as mine clearance, casualty evacuation or building entry. They also protect humans under enemy fire by using their ballistic shields in ‘Greek phalanx’ or ‘Roman testudo’ formations. Then as the landing operation unfolds, high-altitude surveillance drones transmit imagery via satellite data links to Canberra. Furthermore, the smallsats were launched from the Northern Territory before the mission after multiple coalition satellites ceased functioning. It was later revealed that the coalition satellites were jammed by electro-disruption devices secretly placed in co‑linear orbits or were hacked with malicious cyber machine intelligence.

This potential futures narrative highlights several themes. Firstly, Defence is resolutely building expeditionary capability, so global reach supported by satellite networks for command and navigation, including joint drone coordination will be enduring.

Secondly, with increases in RAS operating at strategic distances and evolving threats to coalition space systems, Australia will benefit from an agile space capability to reliably support autonomous modernisation. Fortuitously, Australia is already working closely with allies and partners to ensure such capabilities underpin the Australian Defence Force’s operational effectiveness. This effort is well received by allies who recently invited military space partners to contribute more.

Finally, it illuminates the network as an enterprise-level vulnerability, which is why concurrent development of machine intelligence-optimised cybersecurity underpins resilient space capability and reduces autonomous modernisation risks.

The common theme with disrupted coalition satellites in the scenario is that they were in the same orbit for years and didn’t have current cyber-intrusion defences in their system code or hardware. But tactical satellite launch via commercial space facilities from Australia enabled rapid smallsat insertion into selected orbits to support human-machine teaming. Australia’s imagined space capability also permitted smallsat deployment with recent cryptographic security measures engineered into them.

Accordingly, smallsats with both low signatures and leading-edge cyber protection enabled a more resilient space system to support the mission. It’s noteworthy that constellations of smallsats are considered more resilient than large traditional satellites because smallsats are difficult to detect and target.

Thus robust space architectures could become increasingly important as the internet of military things will evolve with more complex network nodes when RAS capabilities are introduced.

So an ‘evolution of autonomy’ will require increasingly more bandwidth, including potent ‘antidotes to attenuation’ and network speed to overcome the ‘inevitability of latency’.

Therefore a growing inventory of military platforms, including autonomous systems with multipath propagation links, will require space communications engineering efforts to configure an enterprise channel. The value proposition is that enhanced space assets could create secure, scalable and high-speed networks—or a global digital cloud (GDC)—especially in areas without fixed or deployed terrestrial communications infrastructure. Moreover, an expeditionary space-enabled network may provide strategic spectrum for responsive drone control and navigation at scale.

GDC could also deliver technology growth pathways for high data-transfer rates among increasingly sophisticated robotic systems with a ‘big-data’ security challenge.

Hence acquisition of enhanced space systems, including access to allied and commercial capabilities, in parallel with cyber and RAS modernisation, will develop a holistic space capability system. This integrated capability approach might avoid high re‑engineering costs and mitigate potential RAS operating limitations in the future.

Consequently, systems design for a fifth-generation army must reconcile an emerging conflux of capability with space, cyber and autonomous modernisation. Optimal national security outcomes could depend on it.

Geek of the week: conditional probabilities and MH370


Recent reporting that the search for missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 might be soon called off got me thinking about the methodology of search. For my sins, I spent time in operations research in my early days in Defence. It was back in the ‘Defence of Australia’ doctrine days, and our group was working with what’s now the Defence Science and Technology Group (DST Group) on a ‘wide area surveillance study’. Surveillance isn’t the same as search but in a slowly evolving situation they’re described by similar mathematics.

Search theory in its modern form goes back to WW2, when the theory was developed primarily for hunting submarines in the open ocean. The classic text on the subject is The Theory of Optimal Search. It’s maths heavy, but the bottom line is that searching is a science, and it’s possible to have a pretty good idea in advance what the likelihood of success is and what resources will be required for a given confidence level.

The technique that’s being used for the search for MH370 is called Bayesian search theory. (Trigger alert: sensitive readers prone to flashbacks about year 11 mathematics classes are warned of potentially disturbing content ahead.) The technique has been used to locate sunken vessels and missing aircraft in the past. Famous examples include a missing hydrogen bomb (!) that went into the Mediterranean after a B-52 crash and the USS Scorpion, a nuclear submarine that disappeared in the Atlantic in 1968. The story of the search for the Scorpion, as told in the book Blind Man’s Bluff (though the details are disputed), illustrates how the Bayesian technique works. More recently, the technique helped searchers locate the wreckage of Air France Flight 447 in the Southern Atlantic in 2009.

The ideas behind it are simple enough. First you collect as much information as possible about the circumstances that led to the object of the search being lost in the first place. That allows the construction of a probability map of the potential search area. The highest probability will be where the consensus of expert opinion places the location, which is where you start looking.

Before going into further detail, it’s worth thinking about how we intuitively search. When I misplace my glasses at home (only three times a day), I first look in the obvious places, like the coffee table or my desk. If I don’t find them, I search less obvious but still plausible places; on bookshelves, or in the bathroom. If I still don’t find them, I have to decide between looking in increasingly unlikely places and revisiting the most likely ones. Generally I’ll have another look around the coffee table long before I head for the garage to check under the lawn mower. That’s an implementation of Bayesian theory.

There are some subtleties if we want to quantify my search strategy. If I don’t find them on the coffee table, then it’s more likely that they’ll be on my desk than was the case before I started looking (because I’ve excluded one area). But since no search is 100% efficient, there’s still a probability that they’re on the coffee table and I just missed them—but the probability is smaller than it was before. After every search, I mentally update my estimate of probabilities for both searched and unsearched areas. The best strategy is to always search in the most likely area, even if I’ve already looked there.

In the case of MH370, expert aviation advice and geolocational data of the aircraft from communications satellites allowed the DST Group to construct the initial probability map shown above. (The grisly details are here [pdf].) As the example above suggests, every time a location is searched, all of the probabilities need to be recalculated, so the map is only a snapshot in time.

Let’s put some indicative numbers in to see how it works. Let’s say that the original estimate of the wreckage being in an area was 20% and that the search equipment has an 80% chance of finding it if it’s there. Even after an unsuccessful search, there’s still a 4.7% chance that the wreckage is there, but happened to evade detection (which is probably what happened during the search for Air France Flight 447). A neighbouring area with an initial 10% probability estimate now has a 10.8% chance of containing the wreckage.

There’s a fair amount of public information regarding the search for MH370, and there are bloggers following and mapping the search. Recent searching is in the lower probability regions of the initial map, which isn’t surprising since the search has been going for over two years. Not knowing the search efficiency—the weather in the search area ensures that it’ll be well under 100%—it’s hard to tell what the optimum strategy is now, but it might well be worth having another look in the places initially judged most likely before giving up.

(Another) graph of the week: War is becoming more dangerous

I recently had the pleasure of talking about military capability to the Australian Command and Staff College. One of the topics I wanted to cover was the impact of technology on warfare. The first thing that came to mind was Winston Churchill’s musings on the Bronze Age from his History of the English-Speaking Peoples:

While what is now our island was still joined to the continent another great improvement was made in human methods of destruction. Copper and tin were discovered and worried out of the earth; the one too soft the other too brittle for the main purpose, but, blended by human genius, they opened the age of bronze. Other things being equal, the men with bronze could beat the mean with flints. The discovery was hailed, and the Bronze Age began.

Putting Churchill’s dodgy timelines to one side in favour of literary merit (Britain was disconnected from the continent by the English Channel long before the Bronze Age), this prose neatly captures the sometimes revolutionary impact on warfare of developments in technology. Reinforcing the point, two pages later Churchill summarises another technological revolution in military affairs—and another sweep of history—with a chillingly efficient sentence: ‘Men armed with iron entered Britain from the Continent and killed the men of bronze’. Read more