Policy, Guns and Money: Russia’s war on Ukraine and US foreign policy
One year on from Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, ASPI’s David Wroe asks Paul Dibb, emeritus professor of strategic studies at the Australian National University, how Russia’s war in Ukraine will play out in the coming months. They discuss Russian President Vladimir Putin’s calculations and the durability of the West’s support, as well as the implications of Russia’s suspension of the New START Treaty and the Russia–China relationship.
ASPI’s Alex Bristow speaks to Walter Russell Mead, Ravenel B. Curry III Distinguished Fellow in Strategy and Statesmanship at Hudson Institute and James Clarke Chace Professor of Foreign Affairs and Humanities at Bard College, about the US approach to foreign policy. They discuss where Australia sits on the list of US priorities, US thinking around Russia’s war on Ukraine and global support for Ukraine.