Policy, Guns and Money: Australia’s WPS action plan, intelligence careers and Covid-19 in the Indo-Pacific
Australia’s second WPS national action plan outlines how Australia will live up to its commitments to the women, peace and security agenda. ASPI’s Emilia Currey and Lisa Sharland discuss the plan, how it differs from the first NAP, the challenges that need to be overcome as well as domestic concerns.
Have you ever considered a career in intelligence? ASPI’s Michael Shoebridge speaks with Carl and Karinda from the Office of National Intelligence about career pathways and what the future of the intelligence workforce might be.
The Strategist’s Brendan Nicholson is joined by co-author of a new ASPI report on Indo-Pacific island states during Covid-19, the University of Tasmania’s Richard Herr, to discuss the range of responses to the pandemic across the region and the vulnerabilities and opportunities it created.