Police Join the Front Line: Building Australia’s International Policing Capability

of Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) Strategic Insight No. 1/2004

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute today released Strategic Insight No. 1/2004 Police Join the Front Line: Building Australia’s International Policing Capability.

The paper argues that the Australian Government has in recent years turned increasingly to the Australian Federal Police to help preserve the security and stability of some of the weaker states in the region – East Timor, Solomon Islands, and soon Papua New Guinea. The AFP has done a great job, but its resources have become tightly stretched.

More than 7% of the AFP is currently deployed on overseas operations – nearly twice the percentage of the Australian Defence Force (ADF), which stands at less than 4%. Unlike the ADF, the AFP is not set up for large and sustained international deployment. It is time they were.

This paper proposes that the Government should provide the funds to expand the existing Peace Operations Unit within the AFP into a Peace and Assistance Operations Unit to provide police trained, equipped and organised for sustained deployments in our neighbourhood. It should be comprised of 550 personnel, which includes a Sate and Territory police component of up to 50 personnel. This unit would cost around $120 million per year.

Terrorism and Australian Business

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute has today released a short paper on ways Australian business can be better protected against terrorism.

Authored by ASPI’s Director of Programs, Peter Jennings, the ASPI Strategic Insight argues that: “If terrorists choose to launch an attack in Australia or against our interests overseas, then it is likely that Australian businesses could be targeted. Yet there is much that business can do to become more resilient against the threat of terrorism and to help government defeat terror groups.”

Peter Jennings argues that the challenge for business is to work out how it can assure the safety of its people and infrastructure while continuing to operate in a vastly more difficult environment. That means paying much closer attention to threats outside the traditional realm of business risk management.

The challenge for government is to work out how to defeat a non-state threat that constantly changes shape while seeking vulnerable targets. That means developing greater organisational flexibility and faster reaction times. So governments need to think about security more like modern business thinks about its operations.

The ASPI Strategic Insight offers some suggestions for how businesses can strengthen their operations against the direct and indirect consequences of terrorism. These include: ” Broadening risk assessments to better understand how strategic and political events can impact on business operations. ” Involving boards and top management more closely in risk management as a part of strategic planning. ” Reviewing organisational vulnerability to the possible ripple effects of terror attacks. ” Using ‘war gaming’ and decision-making exercises to test the strengths and weaknesses of business resilience.

Peter Jennings argues that, to effectively counter terrorism, there is a need for more comprehensive collaboration between the business community and top levels of government.

A creative alliance against terror between business and government must find new ways of identifying and mitigating risk, faster and more comprehensive information sharing and new strategies to manage crises when they develop.

Mr Jennings is speaking today at the conference of the Association of Risk and Insurance Managers of Australasia in Cairns.

Sinews of War: The Defence Budget in 2003 and How We Got There

Release of an Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) Policy Report on the Defence Budget

The Honourable Peter Costello, MP, Treasurer, today launched the ASPI report “Sinews of War: The Defence Budget in 2003 and How We Got There” in the Mural Hall at Parliament House in Canberra.

Defence spending is back in the news, with reports of major funding shortfalls. And yet the Government has provided major funding boosts in recent years. How could this happen?

“Sinews of War” explores the background to today’s Defence funding crisis, and offers some proposals for how to improve things: 

Imperative 1: Deliver new capabilities on time. An external ‘Procurement Task Force’ is scheduled to report to the Government later this year. The Government should move quickly to consider its recommendations. 

Imperative 2: Continue to improve Defence management. There are three things to be achieved as a priority. The cost of capability needs to be better understood. Financial discipline needs to be established so that efficiency can be targeted. And steps need to be taken to improve accountability within Defence. 

Imperative 3: Sort out the DCP and the strategic policy that underpins it. The Government is reviewing the DCP. To be credible the review must provide an achievable program of capital investment underpinned by a clear statement of our strategic and force structure priorities, along with a renewed funding commitment.

The report was prepared by Dr Mark Thomson, ASPI Budget and Management Program Director.

To find a copy of the report go to ASPI’s web site: http://www.aspi.org.au

Danger and Opportunity: Australia and the North Korea Crisis

Release of an Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) Policy Briefing on North Korea

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute today released Danger and Opportunity: Australia and the North Korea Crisis. 

North Korea’s nuclear weapons program has created an acute policy challenge for the international community. Australia has significant interests in the crisis in North Korea, in the way it develops, and in the longer-term implications for the balance of power in the Western Pacific. 

This paper examines the crisis on the Korean Peninsula from an Australian perspective, and explores the longer-term issues underlying the current situation. It traces the history of the crisis, analyses the interests of the major regional players, and outlines three broad scenarios for how the crisis could unfold. 

It also sets out the following possible ways in which Australia could play a part:

Creative diplomacy
Opening the windows
Reducing tension
Preparing for the worst
Reaping benefits

To find a copy of the report go to ASPI’s web site: http://www.aspi.org.au


Release of an Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) Policy Report on Solomon Islands 

The Honourable Alexander Downer, MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs, today launched the ASPI report Our Failing Neighbour: Australia and the Future of Solomon Islands in the Mural Hall at Parliament House in Canberra.

Solomon Islands, one of Australia’s nearest neighbours, is a failing state. Over the past five years, a slow-burning political and security crisis has paralysed the country’s capital, stifled its economy, disrupted government, discouraged aid donors, and inflicted suffering and hardship on its people.

The consequences for Australia are serious. A failing state on our doorstep engages Australia’s interests at many levels, from short-term economic, consular and humanitarian concerns to our most enduring strategic imperatives. 

The report examines Australia’s interests and the problems facing Solomon Islands. It then sets out the following possible policy approach: Australia could initiate and support a sustained and comprehensive multinational effort, which, with the consent of Solomon Islands, would undertake a two-phase program to rehabilitate the country.

  • The first phase would focus on restoring law and order. It would involve a substantial police force of around 150 personnel drawn from donor countries, along with judicial and correctional personnel, being deployed to Solomon Islands for up to a year. An ad hoc multilateral agency representing donor governments and acting on behalf of the people of Solomon Islands would take temporary control of the police and government finances.
  • The second phase would focus on building Solomon Islands’ capacity for effective government by helping to build new political structures and security institutions, and helping to address underlying social and economic problems.

The report was prepared by Dr Elsina Wainwright, ASPI Strategy and International Program Director, with contributors Quinton Clements, Mary-Louise O’Callaghan and Greg Urwin.

To find a copy of the report go to ASPI’s web site: http://www.aspi.org.au


Media Release – Minister of Defence

The Government has appointed three new members to the Council of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Defence Minister Robert Hill announced today. 

The new council members are Alan Dupont, Paul McClintock and retired Brigadier Jim Wallace. 

Dr Dupont is a director of the Australian National University’s Asia-Pacific security program. He is a highly respected and influential defence analyst and commentator on strategic issues, with particular expertise in Asia-Pacific security issues and transnational threats. 

Mr McClintock will bring to the council an impressive mix of private and public sector experience. Mr McClintock’s extensive industry experience, including his strong background in investment banking, will be invaluable to the Board in its consideration of defence industry matters. He has also served as Secretary to Federal Cabinet, a position which saw him manage the business program of the National Security Committee of Cabinet. He has an established record of providing sound, high-level advice on matters of public policy. He has served on the boards of a number of private companies and public authorities including the Sydney Ports Authority and the Central Sydney Area Health Board.

Brig Wallace served with distinction in the Australian Army for many years after graduating from Duntroon, the British Army Staff College and the Australian College of Defence and Strategic Studies. He commanded the Special Air Service Regiment and the Army’s mechanised brigade, and served with the United Nations in the Middle East. He is a respected commentator on defence and strategic matters and will bring a valuable perspective to the Council as a recently serving and highly credible senior Australian Defence Force officer. 

ASPI is an independent centre of excellence created by the Government in 2000 and funded by Defence. The ASPI Council is responsible for the organisation and operations of the Institute. These appointments take the Council up to its full complement of 12 members. 

“The new members are well qualified to serve on the ASPI Council,” Senator Hill said. 

“Each will make a significant contribution to Government decisions and public understanding of strategic and defence issues, particularly in these uncertain times.” 


Release of an Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) Policy Briefing

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute today released a paper on postwar Iraq from a distinctively Australian perspective. 

Australia shares initial responsibility for the reconstruction of postwar Iraq with the other members of the Coalition. The way we discharge our share of the responsibility will be critical to a number of key Australian interests. 

This paper analyses Australia’s interests and the key challenges facing the Coalition in postwar Iraq. These challenges include the provision of humanitarian assistance, the restoration of order, the fashioning of the political framework, and economic reform and development. 

The paper also sets out several policy parameters that can guide Australia’s approach in postwar Iraq. These parameters include:

· Work fast 
· Engage Iraq’s neighbours
· Spread the load – draw in the UN, Europe and Japan
· Progress peace between Israel and the Palestinians
· Work with our partners and put our views clearly
· Set a limit on our commitment
· Look beyond the current crisis to our future interests. 

The paper was prepared by Dr Elsina Wainwright, Program Director of ASPI’s Strategy and International Program, with the assistance of contributors Dr Robert Bowker, from the Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies at the Australian Defence College, and Professor Robert O’Neill, Chairman of ASPI.

New Neighbour, New Challenge: Australia and the Security of East Timor

On 20 May this year, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) released New Neighbour, New Challenge: Australia and the Security of East Timor. A central finding in the report was that one of East Timor’s greatest security concerns would come from within its own borders. Accordingly, the report makes a series of recommendations that urges a greater international focus on law and order and justice issues. 

“…East Timor needs to overcome pressing internal security and law and order problems. The new Government in Dili does not have the capacity to meet these problems. Australia’s current program of aid to East Timor is doing little to help in these sectors, and other donors are doing no better. If we fail to help effectively, Australia’s security interests in a stable East Timor and a peaceful region will be at risk: East Timor may become a failed state, and a source of continuing tension between Australia and Indonesia. 

East Timor’s pressing security problems include organised gangs challenging central authority, smuggling and other border security issues, the latent threat that militia will resume infiltration from West Timor, and the risk that security forces will be drawn into politics.” 

ASPI would like to remind media outlets that this publication, and its executive summary, are both available online free of charge. The URL is: 


ASPI’s Strategy and International Program, headed by Dr Elsina Wainwright, prepared the Report.


Release of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s Strategic Assessment 2002 

These are testing times for Australia and for Australia’s security policies. It is now almost two years since the Defence 2000 White Paper set out the Government’s plans for Australia’s strategic policy and defence forces over this decade and beyond. 

So even without the tragic events of 11 September 2001 and 12 October 2002, a review would be timely. The rise of terrorism as a threat, globally, regionally and to Australia specifically, makes a review both urgent and imperative. 

Beyond Bali, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s (ASPI) first annual strategic and security policy review, focuses in on the key issues by identifying three core challenges which we believe Australian policy must address over the coming years.

  • The first challenge is combating terrorism. We now face an unprecedented risk from terrorism, and our most urgent policy priority must be to respond effectively.
  • The second challenge is to focus Australia’s wider international posture more effectively on those approaches which will do most to stop further deterioration in our security environment in the Asia-Pacific over coming years.
  • Thirdly, we need to maintain and possibly increase the momentum in developing our defence capabilities, which was launched with the Government’s Defence White Paper in 2000.

This paper offers the Government and the public an independent view of Australia’s security needs. The policy recommendations made are selective. They focus on those issues that we see as being most important to Australia’s long-term security and those that require the most attention. 

It aims to present clear proposals for an effective response to the threat of terrorism. But its also looks beyond that urgent need, recognising that Australia has other long-term strategic interests and priorities which we must not lose sight of. 

The paper was prepared by Mr Aldo Borgu, Program Director of ASPI’s Operations and Capability Program, with the assistance of ASPI’s Director, Mr Hugh White, and ASPI’s other Program Directors 

To find a copy of the paper go to ASPI’s web site: http://www.aspi.org.au after 1130 today.

Setting a Course for Australia’s Naval Shipbuilding and Repair Industry

Release of an Australian Strategic Policy Report

ASPI Program Director for Budget and Management, Dr Mark Thomson today released Setting a Course for Australia’s Naval Shipbuilding and Repair Industry. 

This document addresses the key defence industry issue confronting the Government today: How should they apply their new ‘strategic approach’ to defence industry to the Naval Shipbuilding and Repair Sector. 

In releasing the publication, Dr Thomson said that: 

‘This first-time application of the new defence industry policy will have profound repercussions for all of Australian Defence industry for years to come.’ 

‘The Government’s new approach seeks to sustain critical industry capabilities through long-term partnerships with selected large companies rather than continue with open competition in all cases.’ 

‘There is a clear danger that in the absence of competition a single Australian naval shipbuilder would become complacent, bureaucratic and inefficient – in effect a privately owned Government shipyard.’ 

‘We do not think that the Government should abandon open competition for the prime contracts for shipbuilding projects.’ 

‘Instead, there are five clear steps the Government should take to improve the way Defence works with the sector, and to enhance the way industry supports Navy: 

Let commercial forces shape the sector. The Government is poorly placed to second-guess commercial forces about the shape of the industry, and if things go wrong it runs the risk of owning the solution – literally. 

Smooth the shipbuilding workload. The current planned bunching of ship acquisitions commencing near the end of the decade could be much improved to remove another boom and bust cycle. 

Reform Naval repair and maintenance. The support of the fleet needs to be underpinned by properly funded long-term contracts that make maximal use of industry capability. 

Sell ASC to the highest competent bidder. This would allow new players to enter the industry which might be able to bring non-defence work to the firm and new blood to the sector as a whole. 

Avoid Australian-unique requirements. The best way to reduce risks, contain costs and ensure timely delivery of projects is to avoid unnecessary Australian-unique equipment solutions.’ 

To find a copy of the Report go to ASPI’s website: http://www.aspi.org.au after 12:00 noon today.