Strategic Insights 17 – A Shift in Focus? Australia and stability in East Asia

This paper tracks some of the key recent changes in Australian perspectives on East Asian stability and offers broad recommendations for future policy towards the region.

It is authored by Dr Robert Ayson, Director of Studies at The Australian National University’s (ANU) Graduate Studies in Strategy and Defence program.

Representative Views: Mass and elite opinion on Australian security

Authored by Professor Ian McAllister, of the Political Science Program at the Australian National University (ANU), the report gives Australians the opportunity to compare public and ‘elite’ opinion on a range of defence and security questions.

It draws on Australia’s most comprehensive and informative study of social attitudes: The Australian Candidate Study (ACS) and the Australian Election Study (AES).

The Cost of Defence: ASPI Defence Budget Brief 2005-06

This report interested readers greater access to the complex workings of the Defence Budget and promotes informed debate on Defence budget issues.

Section_3_final_1.pdf – PDF (176.0 KB)

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Section_7_final_1.pdf – PDF (330.9 KB)

Section_8_final_1.pdf – PDF (295.6 KB)

Section_9_final_1.pdf – PDF (243.7 KB)

Section_2_final_1.pdf – PDF (610.8 KB)

War and Profit: Doing business on the battlefield

The past fifteen years have seen a rapid growth in private sector firms supporting military operations.  More recently, the ADF has employed the private sector to varying degrees in East Timor, Bougainville, Afghanistan and Iraq. 

The paper, prepared by Mark Thomson, puts forward four recommendations on how the ADF could work with the private sector.

View the Legal Opinion on the status of non-combatants and contractors under international humanitarian law and Australian law prepared by Professor Donald R Rothwell.

Strategic Insights 8 – Capability of First Resort? Australia’s Future Amphibious Requirement

This paper looks at the future of the ADF’s amphibious capability in the light of the government decision to purchase two large 24-27,000 ton amphibious vessels to replace HMAS Manoora, Kanimbla and Tobruk. The paper aims to highlight the issues and options that need to be considered by the government.

Your Defence Dollar: The 2004-05 Defence Budget

This year’s Defence budget is much like last year’s. A lot more money has been provided to maintain today’s ADF, while a significant chunk of planned investment in tomorrow’s force has been deferred.  Are we getting good value for money for our Defence dollar?  It is worth knowing.

Strategic Insights 6 – The Agenda for Intelligence Reform

This paper, authored by Peter Jennings, proposes reforms to the structure and activities of the Australian Intelligence Community designed to strengthen the capacity of the agencies performing intelligence analysis and to build a stronger sense of shared professionalism across the intelligence community.

The Cost of Defence: ASPI Defence Budget Brief 2004-2005

The publication gives the reader greater access to the complex workings of the Defence Budget and is intended to promote informed debate on Defence budget issues.

A Big Deal: Australia’s future air combat capability

This paper prepared by Aldo Borgu is a detailed assessment of the Australian Government’s decision to effectively purchase the US F-35 Joint Strike Fighter to replace its existing fleets of F/A-18 and F-111 aircraft.

It assesses whether the JSF might achieve the government’s air combat requirements against a number of factors.

The Cost of Defence: ASPI Defence Budget Brief 2003-2004

The annual Cost of Defence: Defence Budget Brief provides a special insight into the workings of Defence Economics.