ASPI today released its latest Strategic Insight: The Agenda for Intelligence Reform by ASPI Director of Programs, Peter Jennings.

This paper proposes reforms to the structure and activities of the Australian Intelligence Community designed to strengthen the capacity of the agencies performing intelligence analysis and to build a stronger sense of shared professionalism across the intelligence community.

At a time when Australia faces its most challenging strategic outlook since the mid-1960s, no issue is more important to Australia’s security than the capabilities of our intelligence agencies.

Peter Jennings presents seven reforms that Government could adopt to strengthen the analytical depth and the organisational coherence of the intelligence community:

Establish an Intelligence College to provide common training, principally for ONA and DIO analysts, in the methods and content of strategic analysis.

Analytical agencies should develop a common recruiting strategy, pooling resources for advertising, interviewing, induction, and conducting psychological and security assessments.

Implement a program of AIC staff placements into the critical policy-making centres of the Departments of Defence, Foreign Affairs and Trade and Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Review whether there should be a separate position of Director of Intelligence, independent of the collection or assessment roles of any agency. This new position would provide a strong focus to help integrate the agencies’ analytical reporting.

Create a Long Term Assessments Centre, with a specific charter to research the broad strategic trends that act out over a decade or more.

Develop a strategy to manage the huge volume of open source material in ways that give analysts access to the right information and the means to integrate it into classified assessments.

Pay closer attention to how intelligence agencies manage their public profile.

These reforms will strengthen the analytical capacities of our intelligence agencies, by boosting training and professional development opportunities for analysts, and by strengthening the profile and position of the AIC with the addition of a new Director of Intelligence.

Burgeoning Chinese economy influencing Northeast Asia

Release of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s (ASPI’s) latest publication ‘Power Shift: Challenges for Australia in Northeast Asia’

NORTHEAST Asia’s importance to the world economy and international security is uncontested but it is also a subregion undergoing an historic transition

Griffith University International Relations experts Professor William Tow and Associate Professor Russell Trood have developed an important strategy report titled Power Shift: Challenges for Australian in Northeast Asia which was released today (June 7) by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) and the Griffith Asia Pacific Research Institute (GAPRI).

The report discusses five key emerging factors in Australia’s evolving relations with Northeast Asia. These are:

China’s rising economic strength and growing strategic engagement with the region.

The movement towards “normalisation” in Japan

The shifting power structures and strategic allegiances on the Korean peninsula

The strengthening of the nexus between economic and security issues

A tendency towards diplomatic balancing instead of hegemonic competition, as the USA restructures its strategic presence.

Discussing the report, Professor William Tow said there were emerging trends with the potential to define Australia’s economic relationship with Northeast Asia.

“The remarkable performance of the Chinese economy is not only driving regional economies, but is also shaping the region’s political and security environment,” he said.

“If momentum builds, and there are some signs that it will, the region might move to deepen economic cooperation.

“The risk for Australia is that it may be more exclusively Asian in its membership.”

Associate Professor Trood explained that although Australia has a tradition of engagement with the region, was a valued economic partner in its growing prosperity, and was respected for its capacity and willingness to contribute to regional security, Canberra’s relations with the countries of Southeast Asia received more attention.

“Our current security debate is mainly about how extensively Canberra should complement Washington’s main strategic priority, namely the global war on terrorism in the aftermath of September 11,” Associate Professor Trood said.

“However, disturbingly absent from active consideration is how we could most effectively engage East Asia’s most formidable powers to take advantage of opportunities and help them meet the challenges shaping their future,” he said.

“Australia needs to respond to the changes that are taking place, and interpreting the trends will be an important challenge for us to ensure our own future prosperity.”

Among guests attending today’s launch of the strategy report were Professor Robert Sutter (Georgetown University, Washington DC), ASPI Program Director – Outreach Mr Brendan McRandle, Head of Griffith’s Department of International Business and Asian Studies Associate Professor Leong Liew, Vice Chancellor Professor Glyn Davis, and Professors Colin Mackerras, Nick Knight, Yan Islam and Associate Professor Bill Case.


Release of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s (ASPI’s) Defence budget Brief 2004-05

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute today released its report The Cost of Defence: ASPI Defence Budget Brief 2004-05.

This document has been written to give interested readers greater access to the complex workings of the Defence Budget and to promote informed debate on Defence budget issues.

In releasing the publication, Dr Thomson said that:

“There is a surprisingly large amount of new money for national security and Defence, notwithstanding the emphasis given to Tax and Family in this year’s pre-election budget.” 

“Specific measures for Defence include $815 million for logistics, $654 million for personnel, $300 million for estate upkeep and $132 million to maintain our deployment to Iraq until the middle of 2005.”

“But just like last year, there continues to be a slow shift of spending away from capital investment in future capability to spending on today’s personnel and operating costs.”

“This budget announced that around $2.2 billion of previously planned investment in new military equipment would be deferred from the first part of this decade to beyond 2007-08 because it has become increasingly clear that Defence simply cannot spend the money as quickly as first thought.”

“To improve the delivery of investment projects, there are major reforms under way in the Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) whose job it is to acquire new equipment.

“This had better work. Later this decade, when the deferred investment funds reappear in the budget, DMO is going to really have its work cut out for it.”

” Overall there have been visible improvement in Defence’s budget discipline, planning and reporting compared with a couple of years ago, nevertheless we think that more could be done to ensure that value for money is being delivered.”

“We’re into the central years of the 10-year White Paper funding period and, as yet, the Government has not decided what Defence funding will be past 2010. That’s one of the reasons why we called for a new White Paper in our 2004 Strategic Assessment.”


Release of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s (ASPI’s) Strategic Assessment 2004

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute today released its report Beyond Baghdad: ASPI’s Strategic Assessment 2004.

“Australia faces its most challenging and turbulent strategic outlook since the mid-1960s.”

This is the key judgement in Beyond Baghdad, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s 2004 Strategic Assessment, released today.

ASPI’s annual Strategic Assessment is Australia’s only public survey of the full range of defence and security issues facing the nation. Beyond Baghdad was written by ASPI Director of Programs, Peter Jennings.

Among the issues covered in Beyond Baghdad:

Terrorists will attack Australia if they identify an opportunity. We have little choice but to take al Qaeda at its word when it claims that Australia is a target.

Iraq’s future prospects are poised on a knife edge. One possible outcome is the creation of a stable, more open and prosperous regime in the Middle East. The other is anarchy, and a substantial rebuff to America’s place in the world.

A new age of warfare, where precision strike weapons and low-technology fertiliser bombs compete uneasily for dominance.

America’s economic and military power will make it the world’s strongest state for the foreseeable future. Australia’s defence alliance with the US remains vital, and we should look for new ways to strengthen cooperation while retaining our independent approach to security.

In North Asia, the character of Chinese power is the dominating strategic issue. In Japan, a brighter economic picture is matched by more outward-looking foreign and security policies.

Southeast Asian governments are struggling with economic modernisation, weak administrations, terrorism, and leadership transitions. 

In the South Pacific, Australia must ask tough questions about the long-term viability of the island states.

In an age when security problems are horizontal – with challenges as diverse as terrorism and border security — our government structures are narrowly vertical.

Beyond Baghdad calls for the government to accelerate progress towards developing a national security strategy.

Australia and Ballistic Missile Defence: Our Policy Choices

Release of Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) Strategic Insight No. 5/2004

ASPI today released its latest Strategic Insight: Australia and Ballistic Missile Defence: Our Policy Choices.

Whether we like it or not, there are high levels of commitment in the US, by both the Republican and Democrat parties, to develop defences against attack by ballistic missiles. What are the policy issues that this raises for Australia?

Australia has been involved in missile defence and associated matters for many years, in particular through the Defence Support Program (DSP) formerly at Nurrungar and now collocated with the Joint Facility at Pine Gap.

The most persuasive option for Australia is to continue with our intelligence relationship with the US and with the use of data from DSP (and from its replacement SBIRS in the future) to give alert and initial tracking.

To do less, or to seek to differentiate between warning of massive ICBM attack, theatre attacks and US homeland attacks, fails the test of common sense and our national interest.

We should also look for opportunities to conduct more joint scientific investigations with the US.

There is no need to go beyond this and to acquire our own systems. There is neither threat nor priority.

There are nevertheless some threshold issues. The paper argues that the US missile defence program will most likely not upset the stability of the nuclear balance or in itself cause proliferation. But the Australian Government needs to establish an independent and informed view on the matter and to explain it to the Australian people; a major statement in the Parliament is called for.

A Trillion Dollars and Counting: Paying for Defence to 2050

Release of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s (ASPI) Report on Paying for Defence to 2050

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute today released its report A Trillion Dollars and Counting: Paying for Defence to 2050

The author Dr Mark Thomson said:

” We’ve looked at the prospects mid-century for what it will cost to maintain our current defence force and whether the ageing of the population will limit the availability of personnel.”

“The good news is that there will continue to be more than enough young Australians to maintain the personnel strength of the ADF, although Defence will have to be agile and responsive to attract them.”

“The bad news is that the long-term trends in the cost of personnel and military equipment are upwards, as is the trend in the cost of maintaining and operating that equipment.”

“On the basis of these trends, our best estimate is that defence spending will have to rise around three-fold out to 2050 just to maintain our current range of military capabilities, although growth in the economy over the same period will ensure that the percentage of GDP only grows to a bit over 2%.”

“But when we look at credible upper range of the trends, the percentage of GDP in 2050 quickly grows to a more uncomfortable 3%, or even 4%.”

“The problem is that by mid-century the ageing of the population will see overall Commonwealth spending exceed revenues by around 5% of GDP on current policy settings according to Treasury’s 2002 Intergenerational Report.”

“No part of Government will be immune from contributing to a balanced budget later this century – including Defence.”

“While Defence delivered substantial efficiency gains last decade by contracting out non-core activities, the pace of reform has slowed and there are no big productivity gains on the horizon.”

Dr Thomson concluded by saying “The best way to boost Defence efficiency is to move away from the current centrally planned bureaucracy, and adopt a more business-like approach by giving the Service Chiefs direct control over resources and making them directly accountable for delivering results.”

Weapons of Mass Construction: Australian Naval Shipbuilding

Release of the ASPI’s Strategic Insight on Australian Naval Shipbuilding

ASPI today released its latest Strategic Insight: Weapons of Mass Construction: Australian Naval Shipbuilding

Its author Dr Mark Thomson said; “The Government plans to spend around $8 billion on new naval construction work over the next fifteen years.”

“While designs for the first two classes of new vessels are now being considered, the Government has not yet decided how to engage Australia’s naval shipbuilding industry in the venture.”

“This is a tough issue for the Government because how they proceed with these first two projects will reshape the industry for years to come. And Australia’s naval shipbuilding industry is currently spread across all the mainland states except for Queensland.”

“A further complication is that the Government is the sole owner of the Australian Submarine Corporation (ASC) which is unavoidably part of any future industry structure.”

“The key issue for the Government is whether to deliberately try and restructure the sector, or to simply offer the projects for tender and see what the market throws up.”

“There are signs of interest from outside of the traditional naval construction sector. These new entrants bolster the case for allowing competition to run its course with minimal intervention.”

“To ensure that the taxpayer is getting value for money, the option of foreign construction should not be discarded. The economies of scale in the current construction program are slight; only 8 vessels spread across 5 different classes to be delivered over 12 years.”

Dr Thomson concluded by saying; “Irrespective of the industry approach taken, it’s important to guard against risky Australian-unique projects by limiting the changes to existing ship designs.”

Police Join the Front Line: Building Australia’s International Policing Capability

of Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) Strategic Insight No. 1/2004

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute today released Strategic Insight No. 1/2004 Police Join the Front Line: Building Australia’s International Policing Capability.

The paper argues that the Australian Government has in recent years turned increasingly to the Australian Federal Police to help preserve the security and stability of some of the weaker states in the region – East Timor, Solomon Islands, and soon Papua New Guinea. The AFP has done a great job, but its resources have become tightly stretched.

More than 7% of the AFP is currently deployed on overseas operations – nearly twice the percentage of the Australian Defence Force (ADF), which stands at less than 4%. Unlike the ADF, the AFP is not set up for large and sustained international deployment. It is time they were.

This paper proposes that the Government should provide the funds to expand the existing Peace Operations Unit within the AFP into a Peace and Assistance Operations Unit to provide police trained, equipped and organised for sustained deployments in our neighbourhood. It should be comprised of 550 personnel, which includes a Sate and Territory police component of up to 50 personnel. This unit would cost around $120 million per year.

Terrorism and Australian Business

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute has today released a short paper on ways Australian business can be better protected against terrorism.

Authored by ASPI’s Director of Programs, Peter Jennings, the ASPI Strategic Insight argues that: “If terrorists choose to launch an attack in Australia or against our interests overseas, then it is likely that Australian businesses could be targeted. Yet there is much that business can do to become more resilient against the threat of terrorism and to help government defeat terror groups.”

Peter Jennings argues that the challenge for business is to work out how it can assure the safety of its people and infrastructure while continuing to operate in a vastly more difficult environment. That means paying much closer attention to threats outside the traditional realm of business risk management.

The challenge for government is to work out how to defeat a non-state threat that constantly changes shape while seeking vulnerable targets. That means developing greater organisational flexibility and faster reaction times. So governments need to think about security more like modern business thinks about its operations.

The ASPI Strategic Insight offers some suggestions for how businesses can strengthen their operations against the direct and indirect consequences of terrorism. These include: ” Broadening risk assessments to better understand how strategic and political events can impact on business operations. ” Involving boards and top management more closely in risk management as a part of strategic planning. ” Reviewing organisational vulnerability to the possible ripple effects of terror attacks. ” Using ‘war gaming’ and decision-making exercises to test the strengths and weaknesses of business resilience.

Peter Jennings argues that, to effectively counter terrorism, there is a need for more comprehensive collaboration between the business community and top levels of government.

A creative alliance against terror between business and government must find new ways of identifying and mitigating risk, faster and more comprehensive information sharing and new strategies to manage crises when they develop.

Mr Jennings is speaking today at the conference of the Association of Risk and Insurance Managers of Australasia in Cairns.

Sinews of War: The Defence Budget in 2003 and How We Got There

Release of an Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) Policy Report on the Defence Budget

The Honourable Peter Costello, MP, Treasurer, today launched the ASPI report “Sinews of War: The Defence Budget in 2003 and How We Got There” in the Mural Hall at Parliament House in Canberra.

Defence spending is back in the news, with reports of major funding shortfalls. And yet the Government has provided major funding boosts in recent years. How could this happen?

“Sinews of War” explores the background to today’s Defence funding crisis, and offers some proposals for how to improve things: 

Imperative 1: Deliver new capabilities on time. An external ‘Procurement Task Force’ is scheduled to report to the Government later this year. The Government should move quickly to consider its recommendations. 

Imperative 2: Continue to improve Defence management. There are three things to be achieved as a priority. The cost of capability needs to be better understood. Financial discipline needs to be established so that efficiency can be targeted. And steps need to be taken to improve accountability within Defence. 

Imperative 3: Sort out the DCP and the strategic policy that underpins it. The Government is reviewing the DCP. To be credible the review must provide an achievable program of capital investment underpinned by a clear statement of our strategic and force structure priorities, along with a renewed funding commitment.

The report was prepared by Dr Mark Thomson, ASPI Budget and Management Program Director.

To find a copy of the report go to ASPI’s web site: